
Zazen, Retreats and more on the OMS Calendar

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Half-Day Sit (8 am–12 pm EDT)

Photo by Antonio López

“Silence is the think tank of the soul.”

—Gordon Hempton

Silence is at the heart of most contemplative traditions because in order to see ourselves and the world clearly, we need quiet to let the mind and body settle. We need stillness to investigate our thoughts and feelings, and the space to be with ourselves and things as they are. In Buddhism, silence is considered a great refuge.

Join us for our monthly Half-Day Sit, a morning devoted to zazen or silent meditation. These sits are open, which means there are no timed periods. You’re welcome to stand, take breaks, or adjust your posture as needed. During the morning there will be an opportunity for private teaching, and instructions will be given at the beginning of the sit.

The morning will end with a short service.

The cost for the program is $39, but you’re welcome to make a different donation. Just let us know it’s for this retreat. No one will ever be turned away for lack of funds.

To stay informed about our events, sign up for our Monthly Events Email.

8 am Start and opening words
8:05 am - 9 am Zazen and Verse of the Kesa
9 am - 11:45 am Open sit and optional private teaching with Zuisei
11:45 am - 12 pm Liturgy and closing

Earlier Event: April 18
Private Teaching
Later Event: April 21
Daily Zazen