
Dharma Talks by Vanessa Zuisei Goddard

Study Session 5: Opening the Hand of Thought

woman's reflection: living zen

Photo by Laurenz Kleinheider

In this study session, Zuisei and the sangha relate their daily lives and practice to Kosho Uchiyama’s Opening the Hand of Thought, a contemporary Zen text that speaks about the importance of zazen and letting go of thoughts in order to see the nature of the self.

In the words of Uchiyama Roshi: You are within me. I'm just facing myself. In other words, you exist within myself, and it is to that you that I direct myself.

This talk was given by Zuisei Goddard.

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01 : Opening the Hand of Thought by Kosho Uchiyama

02 : Study Session 2: Opening The Hand Of Thought with Vanessa Zuisei Goddard

03 : The Impossible Dream by Vanessa Zuisei Goddard