The third of the Eight Realizations of Great Beings says that the mind constantly searches outside of itself and never feels fulfilled. Yet it is possible for the mind—and for us—to be satisfied…
Read MoreDive into the very human experience of desire within the container of Zen Master Dogen’s teachings, the Tibetan Buddhist Lojong slogans and more…
Read MoreHow do we use this teaching of impermanence to remember the wonder and uniqueness of each moment? Instead of seeing impermanence as a negative teaching, let us let it inspire us into making the most of every aspect of our lives…
Read MoreIn this first threaded talk, Zuisei introduces the realization of impermanence—from a teaching called The Eight Realizations of Great Beings—and asks the group to “thread together” their reflections on the teaching…
Read MoreHow many ways are there to acknowledge the infinite stream of space and time in which we flow?
Read MoreDo you ever pause in the midst of your life and ask yourself, what is my role in all of this? What is my agency? Zuisei addresses the need to train the body, mind, spirit and heart, the need to learn endurance, flexibility, and kindness…
Read MoreThe world is on fire. What do each of us have to offer to meet that fire? Reflecting on the teachings of Dogen’s Mountains and River Sutra…
Read MoreDo you find yourself silently commenting on and critiquing this life as it happens? There’s a Buddhist term for the seemingly endless chatter in our minds—papañca…
Read MoreWe don’t always know we’re perfect, we don’t always feel complete, yet fundamentally, both are true of who we are…
Read MoreExplore the bridge between the relative and absolute worlds. The center of the present moment…
Read MoreAnchoring her talk on the teachings on loving-kindness contained in the Karaniya Metta Sutta, Zuisei speaks on the importance of applying these teachings to oneself, as well as others. For the longer we practice…
Read MoreWhat if instead of ignorance being the primer mover in Buddhism, it’s really love that is at the core of things?
Read MoreHow do we reconcile accepting the things we cannot change with changing the things we cannot accept? Explore the possibility of seeing things as they are…
Read MoreZuisei speaks from the heart about her own spiritual journey and her ongoing commitment to practice as she steps further into lay life...
Read MoreThe life of the Buddha as it illustrates the six stages of pilgrimage—the call, homeleaving, the journey, contemplation, encounter, return…
Read MoreWe have to be willing to take a risk in order to see clearly. This is a perilous journey, no question about it. Every time we ask, we expose ourselves. But when we don’t ask…
Read MoreFor this Fusatsu (Renewal of Vows ceremony) Zuisei speaks of sacred space as the ground in which atonement and vow become possible…
Read MoreWe are never practicing alone—not in the darkest pit of hell, not in the brightest state of bliss. When we know this…
Read MoreHow do we reconcile the systemic harm perpetuated through the construction of gender with the ultimate truth of selflessness?
Read MoreThat which is beyond ordinary knowing, must be known intimately…
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