
Women in Practice with Vanessa Zuisei Goddard


Women In Practice

Cost: Free

This event has ended. Visit the calendar for current opportunities to practice with the sangha.

Women in Practice was formed with the recognition that we have a particular experience of life and practice as women, and that we benefit from sharing and learning from that experience.

We looked at issues of self worth, working with anger, learning from our ancestors, body image, and many others, drawing particularly from the teachings of Buddhism to show us how to work skillfully with the obstacles that block our liberation.

Each month, Zuisei Goddard, the Guiding Teacher of Ocean Mind Sangha, introduced a short teaching on a previously agreed topic, then we had an open discussion, the emphasis being on honest, thoughtful sharing which experience has shown us is rich with our individual and collective wisdom.

There was no cost for this program.

Your generous dana supports Zuisei’s work and the operations of the Ocean Mind Sangha.

*Banner photo by Shu Lei